Case Studies

Streamlining Event Organization with the Injaz Platform


The Injaz platform was conceived by the National Center for Events to revolutionize the events sector in the Kingdom by offering a unified electronic service platform. This initiative aimed to simplify the process of obtaining permits for various events, making the organization seamless and efficient.

Problem Statement

Event organizers faced challenges in obtaining necessary permits and coordinating with multiple government agencies, leading to a cumbersome and time-consuming process that hindered the smooth execution of events.

Solution Statement

The Injaz platform was developed as a comprehensive solution to facilitate the issuance of event licenses, streamline the application process, offer consultation services, and ensure quick access to yacht entry permits, all within a single platform.

User Persona

  • Name: Khalid
  • Age: 40
  • Occupation: Event Organizer
  • Needs: An efficient way to organize and get approval for various types of events.
  • Pain Points: Complex procedures for permits, time-consuming coordination with multiple agencies.

Design Process

  1. Research: Identified the key pain points in event organization and permit issuance.
  2. Prototyping: Developed a user-friendly interface to navigate services and submit applications.
  3. Testing: Ensured the platform met the needs of event organizers through user feedback.
  4. Launch: Implemented the platform with an easy three-step process for obtaining permits and accreditations.


The Injaz platform significantly improved the efficiency of event organization in the Kingdom, with organizers reporting streamlined processes for permits and increased satisfaction in event execution. Collaboration with government agencies through the platform led to a faster turnaround time for permit issuance, enhancing the overall event organization experience.

Exo Travel Mobile App Japan

EXO travel is a tourism company with offices in Europe, Australia and in the Americas. It offers a wide range of tour packages for its customers, ranging from challenging outdoor treks to pampering packages in some of the finest establishments in South Asia.

Instead of offering customers “pick & choose” packages, it has a number of predesigned packages designed along with the “feel” of the experience the clients are interested in pursuing. It then tailors its packages for its clients accordingly, helping them pick and choose the perfect experience for their trip. It does not operate an online booking portal because it feels that it dehumanizes the process and does not satisfy its clients appropriately. By acting as a concierge instead of a booking agent, EXO believes they improve client satisfaction. This formula has worked as their operating have grown to 700 full-time staff and 20 locations all over South Asia.


EXO partners with multiple smaller operators throughout the region, helping them deploy unique experiences that other organizations cannot design. One of the major problems these smaller operators faced was booking transportation and hotel packages affordably. EXO negotiated partnerships with various transportation providers and hotel chains with discounts for its operators. But the booking process became a major hassle, with EXO acting as intermediary handling multiple calls and emails a day when booking for its smaller operators. This led to issues where they ended up with lost communication and very unhappy clients.

User Persona

The typical user for this app has a university education and is a “millennial”. They are comfortable using many popular apps such as Facebook, Instagram, lazada and shopee. Their major pain point is that as regional operators, local clients book trips to various locations within the EXO network. They end up sending these clients to other operators in the network, generating a commission but not really making the bulk of their income which comes through pre-designed and bespoke experiences


Design a unified booking platform for its external operators where they could book hotels and transportation for their clients. Including a redeemable point system called “EXO” to incentivize operators further.

Design Process

When designing the mobile app, we focused on reducing the user journey as much as possible so operators could book hotels and packages easily and effectively. The bulk of their operations depend on pre-designed packages so our major focus was to ensure effective mass booking. Results EXO operators reported upwards of a 47% in client satisfaction and a 20% increase in revenue for them. The point system was the major component that helped reduce their operational costs. With the ease of booking, the turn-around time for confirmation increased rapidly, with many operators saying that entire tour groups were booked within an hour.

Revolutionizing the Car Buying and Selling Experience with Car Mandee


In the rapidly evolving automotive industry of Pakistan, Car Mandee sought to simplify and enhance the car buying and selling process. Leveraging a user-centric design approach, we aimed to address common challenges faced by users, such as transparency, comparison, financing, and valuation.

Problem Statement

The primary challenge was to create a platform that could seamlessly integrate various aspects of car transactions, including comparison, financing, and dealer trustworthiness, into a single, user-friendly interface.

Solution Statement

The solution was a comprehensive online platform UX that provided users with tools for comparing cars, obtaining financing, and accurately valuing their vehicles. Key features included user-friendly interfaces for both buyers and sellers, integration with financial institutions for loan processing, and a robust car valuation tool.

Sample User Persona

  • Name: Aamir
  • Age: 35
  • Occupation: Professional
  • Needs: A reliable platform to buy and sell cars, with easy access to financing options and accurate car valuations.
  • Pain Points: Previous experiences with fraudulent listings, difficulty in comparing options, and complex financing procedures.

Design Process

  1. User Research: Understanding the needs and pain points of car buyers and sellers in Pakistan.
  2. Ideation: Conceptualizing features that address user needs, such as a comparison tool, financing options, and a valuation calculator.
  3. Prototyping & Testing: Developing prototypes and conducting usability tests to refine the platform.
  4. Implementation: Collaborating with developers to ensure the design was fully realized.
  5. Launch & Iteration: Launching the platform and continuously improving it based on user feedback.


After redesigning the user experience, Car Mandee significantly improved the car buying and selling experience in Pakistan, evidenced by increased user engagement and satisfaction. The platform facilitated smoother transactions, better decision-making through comparisons and valuations, and increased trust among users with verified listings and reputable dealer connections.

By focusing on user needs and leveraging design thinking, Car Mandee has set a new standard for automotive platforms in Pakistan, making it easier for users to navigate the complexities of car ownership.

Revolutionizing Resume Creation with DoResume's AI Technology


The experience design of DoResume’s AI-powered resume builder was driven by the need to assist job seekers in crafting customized, interview-winning resumes efficiently. The use of generative AI to write bespoke job descriptions and summaries aimed to significantly improve the job application process.

Problem Statement

Job seekers struggled to create resumes that stood out in competitive job markets and were compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), often requiring significant time and expertise.

Solution Statement

DoResume introduced an AI-based resume builder user experience that leverages advanced algorithms to generate personalized job descriptions and resume summaries, enhancing users’ chances of securing job interviews.

User Persona

  • Name: Sara
  • Age: 29
  • Occupation: Marketing Professional
  • Needs: A user-friendly tool to create a tailored resume that showcases her skills effectively and passes through ATS filters.
  • Pain Points: Time-consuming resume customization for each job application and lack of knowledge about ATS optimization.

Design Process

  1. Research: Analyzed the job application process and identified common issues faced by job seekers.
  2. AI UX: Integrated AI technology to generate content that meets the specific needs of various industries and job positions.
  3. Testing & Feedback: Conducted user testing sessions to refine the AI’s accuracy and user interface simplicity.
  4. Launch & Optimization: Rolled out the beta version for public use, collecting user feedback for continuous improvement.


DoResume’s platform experienced a positive reception, with hundreds of happy clients and a significant number of resumes created using AI coins. The platform’s ease of use, customizable templates, and ATS-friendly outputs have made it a preferred tool for job seekers aiming to advance their careers.